The following series of toolkits have been adapted and designed for local voluntary and community organisations in London for use in the running of their organisations.
They are based on various existing information around project management including information from the Charities Evaluation Service, extracts from the Oxfam Australia Program Management Manual, Mindtools, Russell-Cooke LLP, the Charity Commission, Companies House, NCVO as well as other well known and well accepted project management, strategic planning, financial and organisational tools.
The information provided in this toolkit are recommendations only and there are many ways to undertake project design and management, strategic planning, fundraising and seeking alternative sources of funds.
Writing a whole set of policies for your organisation can be challenging. In the NCVO website you will find guidance on how to go about creating certain policies that your organisation will need.
On KCSC website you will find sample policies that you can download and adapt to meet the needs of your own organisation.
Staff handbook template
A guide to applying the principles of the Charity Governance Code, specially adapted for small and micro organisations with no staff and incomes less than £100,000.
While the principles, key outcomes and legal and regulatory context are taken direct from the Code, the rest of the toolkit is tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of these micro voluntary organisations.
NPC's analysis of what makes a good charity is split into four areas: Purpose, Impact practice, People, and Finance and Operations. In the guide they explain why each area is important, the key questions to ask and what to look for in order to reach a judgement about an organisation’s effectiveness.
Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) and National Care Forum (NCF) have launched the Volunteer Management Toolkit to mark volunteers week. The toolkit supports managers to create volunteer roles which enable people to make a real difference to local social care services. It also looks at how to take an inclusive approach to volunteering.