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Corporate Engagement

We provide corporate support to responsible businesses and help match their Social Value /CSR offers with community needs to provide financial and in-kind support to local projects that benefit the Westminster community.


Post pandemic, we have seen a steady return of businesses to central London offices and we would like to thank the corporate teams that have already come forward to volunteer and/or offered donations to help local charity projects as they reopen.

In the current economic climate, charities are struggling to provide support for an ever increasing number of residents facing food and fuel poverty, digital exclusion, health and education inequalities. We invite the business community to step up and offer professional and financial support to community projects in Westminster to help them through this crisis.

If you are a responsible business with social value commitments or CSR goals and want to contribute locally, we can advise you how to channel corporate giving and donations to support local charity projects.

If you are keen for your organisation to get involved, we can help your business identify local charity projects that align with your CSR strategy, help deliver on your social value commitments and achieve your business sustainability goals.

Please email Paola Pagliarin, Corporate Partnerships Manager for a free consultation. 

Employee Volunteering

For many years we ran the Time & Talents programme for employee volunteering in Westminster. Now we assist charities in Westminster to run their own corporate volunteer programmes, ensuring that the costs are covered by the companies offering help.

Whatever size your organisation is, we can work with you to develop a volunteering programme that suits your business objectives and matches community need, providing remarkable experiences and outcomes for everyone.

For further details please contact our Corporate Partnerships Manager Paola Pagliarin or call her on 07484542229.

Community Investment Portfolio

The Community Investment Portfolio is part of a Westminster City Council initiative that aims to encourage companies to support local charities in ways that align community need with their corporate social responsibilities and social value agendas.

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