245 Gray's Inn Road
At SHP Westminster Floating Support, we offer residents of the borough personalised, short-term support to help maintain their well-being within their own home. Our service is responsive, friendly and flexible - and provides both individual and group support for people who have a range of needs or challenges.
Who do we support?
Adults aged 18 or over with an identified support need, living in Westminster (Excluding supported housing, residential and extra care settings).
People, or individual members of a household, living in temporary accommodation provided by Westminster (either inside or outside of the borough).
People moving into their own homes and out of supported housing in Westminster.
This service provides support for:
Service Aims
To live independently
To reduce homelessness and the risk of homelessness
To improve their health and well-being
To more confidently manage their homes, and enhance their living skills
To access education, employment, training, and volunteering, promoting wellbeing and financial awareness
To maintain their mental health recovery and reduce unplanned mental health admissions
NB: We do not provide housing and cannot support people who are rough sleeping or sofa surfing.
Our service aims to support people:
Working with the person to develop an agreed plan that addresses their needs, supports tenancy sustainment and promotes independence
Focusing on the strengths of the individual and supporting them to build on these so that they can achieve their hopes and aspirations
Maintaining an awareness that everyone’s personal experience and life events are unique and different
Supporting people to access community resources and build support networks and personal resilience
Working with Westminster City Council, the NHS and other resources in the community, housing services, landlords and voluntary and community groups
We are always happy to discuss whether we can offer a service. We can accept referrals from a wide range of sources including:
Self referrals
Adult’s and Children’s Services
The Trailblazer Programme
City West Homes
Registered social landlords
Housing Options Service
Community Safety
Learning Disability Partnership
Primary care services
Police and fire brigade
Probation services
We can accept referrals from supported accommodation where the person being referred is moving into independent accommodation.
This is not an exhaustive list so feel free to contact us if in any doubt.
SHP Westminster Floating Support
55 Bondway (2nd Floor) Vauxhall
London, SW8 1SJ
T: 020 7619 2630
Freephone: 0800 840 8348
E: [email protected]