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The Advocacy Project


c/o SEIDs Hub
Empire Way


  • General public
  • Disabled people
  • Carers
  • People with mental health issues


  • Advocacy/representation


The Advocacy Project helps people speak up about things that are important to them. Sometimes people need support expressing what they want to say and having their point of view taken seriously. Advocates are there to be on someone’s side. They can help a person get the information they need, understand their rights, and explore their choices – so they can make the decisions they want about their life.
Advocates spend time getting to know a person so they can support the individual to put forward their views and preferences. They won’t give advice, or make decisions for someone. They might support by being there at meetings, helping a person make contact with the right people, or speaking for them in situations where they don’t feel able to speak for themselves.
We offer:
•Independent Care Act Advocacy (ICAA)
•Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
•Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
•Paid Relevant Person’s Representative (PRPR)
•non-statutory advocacy