This is a directory of voluntary and community organisations based in Westminster and/or working with Westminster residents.
If you would like to be included please fill in the registration form here.
If your organisation info needs updating please email [email protected]
17-24-30 NationalHCAW was founded in March 2009 and registered with the Charity Commission in 2019. The anti-hate crime charity aims to eliminate all forms of hate crime by promoting a message of H.O.P.E. H for Hate crime awareness, O for improving Operational responses to hate crime, P for…
2–3 Degrees is a social enterprise that aims to inspire and equip young people with the personal development skills needed to fulfil their potential. By delivering fun, engaging and dynamic workshops and programmes, we help young people become the best version of themselves.
Young members from age 6 - 15 . To be given an understanding of "helping others" and to be made aware of the national & global issues. No ethnic, cultural, faith or gender restrictions apply. Also some leaders have training in dealing with physical & mental health conditions. The…
The Abbey Centre is a community hub for south Westminster, providing meeting space and a range of programmes, activities and opportunities to support local residents and community organisations. With a focus on health and wellbeing, the charity aims to improve the lives and opportunities of local…
Abdul Mageed Educational Trust, Charity number 1192825, is working hard with a group of professionals to deliver various services to the hard to reach communities in London including Education, Community learning workshops, Family enterprises days, plus distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables…
Adebo provides a safe space for the local community to come together and be creative through sewing, needle work, crochet and knitting. They will learn new skills for up cycling, which will have a positive impact on the environment, and will be able to enhance skills and pass their knowledge onto…
We provide adults with one-to-one support to build skills and confidence in reading, as a complement to teaching in formal settings, to help break the cycle of exclusion and poor literacy. Delivered through a network of volunteers, our charity is dedicated to ensuring that individuals who wish to…
Advantages of Age works with those aged 50-75 years through hosting a range of activities and online resources with the aim of building resilience, alleviating loneliness and providing "olders' with a sense of purpose and belonging. These activities include a business club for over 50s who may…
The Afghanistan and Central Asian Association works for the protection of all vulnerable refugees and migrants in the UK and the empowerment of people in Afghanistan to help them realise their rights, reach their potential through education, acquire skills and knowledge and access mainstream…
African Development Society is grass roots community organisation. *parenting classes *Advice and information *Networking
Helping the Sudanese and Horn of Africa people to develop and integrate in the new community. Special care & attention to support young migrants, women & senior people by giving them guidance by education and training. Helping young refugees to learn and gain skills to find jobs. Outreach…
Age UK Westminster is a registered charity (1018300) and company limited by guarantee. We exist to promote the well-being of older people in the City of Westminster and to help them lead independent, fulfilling lives for as long as possible. We provide a wide range of services that reduce hardship,…
Al Ola Arabic school is a supplementary school that offers an integrated approach to the Arabic language and culture. We provide support classes with English and maths. We also have Arabic GCSE classes We target students aged from 4 to 16 years old. One of our main focus is on students that are…
Al-Hasaniya serves the needs of Moroccan and Arabic-speaking women and their families in London – primarily Kensington and Chelsea residents, but with some pan-London projects – providing support for health, welfare, education and cultural activities. With over 30 years of experience,…
All Souls Clubhouse is a community centre and church and has been serving the local community for over 54 years. We have a full size gym in the basement plus several large and smaller rooms all available for hire when not in use. Please see our website for details. Various projects take place e.g…
All Souls Serve The City was established as a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation on 1 January 2021 to promote three thriving ministries: ASLAN - working with the homeless; Senior Care - helping alleviate lonliness and isolation for those over 65; Tamar - supporting individuals experiencing…
The Anti-Tribalism Movement is a non-profit organisation committed to tackling tribalism and promoting fairer and more equitable societies.
Art Explora aims to share arts and culture with everyone – locally, nationally and internationally – and inspire new encounters between arts and audiences. Our mission is to encourage new forms of access, participation and engagement with arts and culture and to push the boundaries of digital…
Supported Employment Service, supporting people with learning physical and sensory disabilities (RBKC but able to accept Westminster residents) into employment work experience volunteer, education and training opportunities.
We develop educational programs to leverage the cultural heritage potential of London’s canals
Basch Helps CIC is a frontline community service provider that provides the earliest possible intervention to individuals and low income families. We encourage lone parents/families who have a newborn no older than 12 months of age to apply for our free AngelBox, an emergency relief package with…
We help people from a diverse range of backgrounds achieve their full potential through transformational learning experiences on board our Floating Classroom that broaden horizons and build confidence. BLS provides imaginative, engaging and fun learning experiences inspired by the locations where…
A Georgian house holding England’s highest Grade I heritage listing, Benjamin Franklin House at 36 Craven Street is a true heritage gem. Located in the heart of London, it is the world’s only remaining home of Benjamin Franklin and was opened to the public for the first time on 17 January 2006,…
Provides community and social support services for the people of Hammersmith & Fulham and in some case other boroughs such as Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster.
We bring joy using the Arts to celebrate Black Heroes. Developing cultural awareness, promoting a world where Black Heroes are acknowledged, respected and celebrated. The Black Heroes Foundation is a community based charity for the development and promotion of talent, together with cultural and…
Animal hospital located in Victoria. Provide veterinary care for those who cannot afford private fees.
The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Health Forum Registered Charity Number 1151980 Company Number 8013774 The BME Health Forum is a well-established partnership of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community organisations. Our mission is to reduce health inequalities experienced by BAME…
Bounce Back is a Charity and a Social Enterprise focused on training and employment of ex offenders. We firmly believe that everyone has the ability to change and working in several prisons, as well as with London Probation, we offer training, work experience and employment to offenders at the end…
We are a grassroots charity and social enterprise that empowers young refugees to achieve their extraordinary potential and improve their well-being through providing employment, training and mentoring by selling baked goods on markets across London and Brighton, as well as through our Wholesale…
Breathe Easy Westminster is a British Lung Foundation (BLF) support Group, whose primary aim is to provide support and information for people living with a lung condition and those who look after them. We ensure that our activities are aligned with this aim and all those of the BLF (which has now…
BuddyHub is a community with a purpose bound by kindness and we exist in order to help people create meaningful friendships, broaden their social circles and meet like minded people. We are London’s only intergenerational friendship club and our work has been backed up by research by specialists in…
We provide free legal services to communities across London and are particularly interested in human rights issues such as school exclusions.
Cardinal Hume Centre offers a wide range of services for homeless young people, families in need and the local community and helps them gain the skills and support they need to overcome poverty and homelessness. The organisation has six principal service packages: residential services for homeless…
Carers Network supports carers looking after adults living in the City of Westminster, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and the City of London. A carer is anyone who, without pay, looks after someone else who couldn’t get by on their own due to…
Caxton Youth Club is a safe, inclusive space in Pimlico, where learning disabled, and autistic young people come to make and meet their friends. We prioritise those who who live all across Westminster between the ages of 11-25.
Central London Forward (CLF) is the strategic sub-regional partnership for Central London covering the local authorities of Camden, the City of London, Hackney, Haringey, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth, and Westminster. Established in 2007…
The objective of Samaritans is that fewer people die each year by suicide. We accomplish this by providing emotional support to callers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and encouraging them to explore their feelings and thereby lessen their burdens and pressures.
• To represent the means for young people through which they may take part in and influence processes, decision and activities in order to achieve justice, influence outcomes, expose abuses of power and realise their rights • To challenge traditional attitudes towards young people and…
Chance UK, a London-based charity offering 1-1 mentoring for children aged 8-13 years across Westminster and group mentoring in the North and South of the borough. The Westminster mentoring projects are aimed at children and young people with emotional and behaviour difficulties and are designed…
We provide speech and language therapy to adults affected by homelessness and other forms of injustice. We receive funding from charitable trusts, local government and voluntary organisations to help us do this. We can only provide help where we are funded to do so.
Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC) is a UK charity whose mission is to improve children’s educational outcomes and social development by introducing them to the game of chess. Founded in 2009, we now teach in over 300 schools and support 500 more nationwide. We also organise a world-class…
The London Chinese Community Centre (CCC) is a vital social and learning hub for the Chinese community. It provides a wide range of Information & advice services and organises a variety of activities to improve the quality of life and well-being of the Chinese community, particularly those who are…
Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) provides free advice and support for disadvantaged Chinese people across the UK. We are the only Chinese front line service provider to support victims, or those at risk, of domestic violence. The services offered at our Centre include legal advice on…
Provider of supported accommodation, rough sleeper drop-in, social enterprises and holistic, transformational empowerment opportunities for homeless women in Westminster.
To connect with the local communities and to provide a library service with activities relevant to their respective communities.
Westminster Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) was one of the very first bureau services founded in 1939. From its origins as an emergency service during the Second World War, Westminster CAB evolved as a frontline agency providing essential advice and information services to those living and working in…
City Harvest is a registered charity operating across London from our warehouse in Acton. The goal of City Harvest London is to put surplus food to use in a sustainable way by distributing it to organisations around London that feed the hungry. Our refrigerated fleet of vans collects food from…
CLEAR VILLAGE is a London-based charity that helps communities build a better future through creative regeneration. We have a proven track record of co-creating solutions that foster resilience at the community level. We believe the way forward in tackling the issues of today is by considering the…
The Champions Programme uses a collaborative and asset-based model and is primarily delivered through the recruitment, training and capacity development of local residents and communities in areas that have poorer health outcomes and greatest need, in order to achieve the following objectives: …
Compassionate Neighbours is a social movement consisting of many different hospices, which helps to tackle the loneliness and isolation that many people face towards the end of life due to age or illness. We train local people to become Compassionate Neighbours and then introduce them to someone…